Home Terms Niederstrich


Meaning of Niederstrich in Music

In music, **Niederstrich** refers to a downstroke with the bow on a stringed instrument, typically the violin or cello. It is a term used in musical notation to indicate that the bow should be drawn downwards on the strings. The symbol for Niederstrich is placed at the beginning of a passage or section of music to indicate that all the notes should be played with a downstroke of the bow.

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A German term for down-bow.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the terms:

Popular questions related to Niederstrich

to yield A musical directive to the performer to yield, or slow down.

little by little [French, little, small] French term for little. Typically used to modify tempo markings as in "peu à peu" meaning "little by little."

less fast [French, less] Less. Typically used in a directive such as "moins vif" (less fast). See more about tempo markings in the Appendix.

In music, a node is the point on a vibrating surface, such as a string, where the wave divides itself into parts. These nodes produce harmonics.

au mouvt: with movement/A tempo.

vivace, lively : vivace, lively. used as a direction in music.

with life and vigour (ˈviːvəʊ ) adjective, adverb. music (in combination) with life and vigour.

again A German term meaning again.

In traditional Indian music, musical notes are called svaras and commonly represented using the seven notes, Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha and Ni.

So the final order of the 12-note chromatic scale, going upwards, is C, C sharp/D flat, D, D sharp/E flat, E, F F sharp/G flat, G, G sharp/A flat, A, A sharp/B flat, and B (see image above).

Its marking is Leicht und zart (light and tender).

LAHNG-zahm. [German, slow or slowly] A German term directing the musicians to perform the indicated passage of the composition with a broad tempo, or fairly slow. Similar to breit, meaning slow, and is used to designate a tempo range from largo to lento or a metronome marking from around 40 to 60 beats per minute.

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