Home Terms N.C.


Meaning of N.C. in Music

In music notation, the abbreviation "N.C." or "NC" stands for "No Chord" It is used to indicate that there should be no chordal accompaniment played while performing the indicated notes or melody. This notation is commonly found in guitar tablature or chord charts to indicate tacets, rests, or caesuras in the accompaniment. It is used to specify that only the indicated melody or notes should be played, without any additional chords. The purpose of using "N.C." is to emphasize the melody or notes without any harmonic accompaniment.

A directive placed over a note (or a series of notes) in a composition signifying that the note (s) should be performed without accompaniment. This is typically found in popular music notation with either a melody with chordal accompaniment, two-staff score with chordal accompaniment, or a simple chord progression. N.C. is the abbreviated form of No Chord.

Popular questions related to N.C.

no chord [Abbreviation, no chord] A directive placed over a note (or a series of notes) in a composition signifying that the note (s) should be performed without accompaniment.

NC (or N.C.) is short for "No Chord". It means that you should only play the indicated notes or melody, and not try to infer or add a chordal accompaniment.

Credit (CR) Grade. A passing letter grade for undergraduate students (A, B, C, or D) and for graduate students (A, B, or C) can convert to a 'CR' grade. A 'CR' grade means you earn credit for the class, but it will not affect your GPA. No Credit (NC) Grade. A failing grade of (F) can convert to an 'NC' grade.

C minor Music. C minor, abbreviated Cm, a minor scale or chord based on C. CM (school), a youth and community music organisation. Classical music, Western art music. Common metre, abbreviated CM, a poetic metre frequently used in hymns.

Enacted by law in 2013, the newest symbols of North Carolina are the state art medium, clay; the state fossil, the megalodon teeth; the state frog, the Pine Barrens tree frog; the state marsupial, the Virginia opossum; and the state salamander, the marbled salamander.

Abbreviation of North Carolina, a state of the United States of America.

A classic switch has one input and one output. It can be NO (normally open) or NC (normally closed). A NC/NO switch has one input and two outputs and consequently 2 possible actions.

3) No Card (NC) vs Withdraw (WD) – per the definitions outlined above, a Withdraw is generally only applicable if a player has turned in an official score for a round; thus, any player that decided not to complete Round 1 will be designated as “NC” (No Card) instead of WD because no official score (i.e. no completed ...

The abbreviation "N/C" on a building drawing typically stands for "not calculated" or "not called for." It is often used to indicate that a certain dimension or detail has not been specifically calculated or specified on the drawing.

The Cm (or C minor) chord embodies an expressive softness when played. It can elicit a sobering passion, longing, or solemnity. The soft and somber nature of the chord makes it well-suited to ballads of unrequited love or songs that have a downtrodden feel.

centimeter A centimeter is a metric unit of measurement used for measuring the length of an object. It is written as cm. A meter has 100 centimeters. 10 millimeters make one centimeter.

NORTH CAROLINA: In the early 1600's, the area was referred to in some English papers as Carolina and was thought to be named for Charles I of England. Later, about 1663, the name Carolina was definitely applied by those who had received a grant to the land from Charles II, and so it was named in his honor.

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