Home Terms munter


Meaning of "munter" in music

In the context of music, the term "munter" is a German word that is used as a tempo marking. It is often found in compositions by German composers, such as Robert Schumann. The exact tempo indicated by "munter" can vary depending on the piece and the interpretation of the performer. However, it generally conveys a sense of liveliness, cheerfulness, and briskness. Some possible translations of "munter" include "merry," "cheerful," "brisk," and "vigorous".

It is worth noting that "munter" is not a commonly used tempo marking in music and is relatively rare compared to more widely recognized terms like "allegro" or "andante." However, it can still provide valuable guidance to performers in capturing the intended mood and character of a piece.

References Source: 'piano - What tempo is "frisch und munter"? - Music: Practice...'

A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a lively, sprightly manner.

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fresh as a daisy frisch und munter. (as) fresh as a daisy.

SOE-prah. [Italian, above] A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition for piano by the performer crossing hands. It also indicates which hand should be crossed above the other.

Tempo - Music Theory - Tempo lets musicians know how fast or slow a passage of music should be performed. It can be expressed with a tempo marking or in beats per minute. Tenor - Vocal Range - A higher male voice with a range from C3 to C5. Tenuto - Music Marking - Abbreviated with ten.

gesund und munter. hale and hearty, alive and kicking.

fresh green, fresh „frisch“: Adjektiv fresh green, fresh fresh, new clean new, fresh fresh, new wet fresh lively, cheerful fresh, rosy, healthy, ruddy More translations... fresh.

(ˈsəʊprə ) adverb. a musical instruction meaning above.

Under Quick Reference. (It.). 'Under', 'below'; sotto voce, 'in a low voice', i.e. barely audible, a direction that can apply to instrumental as well as vocal performance; mano sinistra [ms] sotto, in keyboard playing, with the left hand below the right.

So there you have the Four T's for Music: Tone, Time, Theory and Technique.

tim·​bre ˈtam-bər ˈtim- : the quality of a sound or musical tone determined by its overtones and different for each voice or instrument.

in good health in good health Someone who is healthy is well and strong and is not often ill.

used to wish good health especially to one who has just sneezed.

German and Scandinavian: from a medieval personal name, a pet form of Friedrich . German: nickname for someone who was handsome, cheerful, or energetic, Middle High German vrisch.

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