Home Terms marcato


Meaning of Marcato in Music

Marcato is a musical term that indicates a note, chord, or passage is to be played louder or more forcefully than the surrounding music. It is a direction given to musicians to emphasize a particular part of the music. The term "marcato" itself can be written above or below the staff, or it can be represented by the symbol (an open vertical wedge).

The marcato is essentially a louder version of the regular accent, which is represented by an open horizontal wedge. However, the marcato is often interpreted to suggest a sharp attack tapering to the original dynamic. This interpretation applies only to instruments capable of altering the dynamic level of a single sustained pitch. The marcato sound is characterized by a rhythmic thrust followed by a decay of the sound.

In jazz big-band scores, the marcato symbol usually indicates a note is to be shortened to approximately 2/3 its normal duration and given a moderate accent.


In conclusion, marcato in music is a direction indicating that a note, chord, or passage should be played louder or more forcefully than the surrounding music. It is a way for composers to add emphasis and intensity to specific parts of a musical piece.

Marked, accented, emphatic, stressed.

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