Home Terms Lyrisches Stück

Lyrisches Stück

Meaning of Lyrisches Stück in Music

In music, the term "Lyrisches Stück" has multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possible interpretations:

1. **Lyrisches Stück as a Musical Genre**: Lyrisches Stück can refer to a genre of instrumental music that is characterized by its lyrical and expressive nature. It is often associated with solo piano compositions that convey emotional depth and poetic qualities. Composers such as Edvard Grieg and Robert Schumann have written collections of Lyrisches Stücke, also known as "Lyric Pieces" or "Lieder ohne Worte" (Songs without Words).

2. **Lyrisches Stück as a Marking**: Lyrisches Stück can also be a marking or directive in sheet music. For example, it can indicate that a note or a rest should be held longer than the surrounding music.

3. **Lyrisches Stück as a Term in Other Contexts**: The term "Lyrisches Stück" can also appear in other contexts, such as literature or poetry. For instance, Heinrich Heine's collection of poems titled "Lyrisches Intermezzo" includes quatrains that express various emotions and themes.

It's important to note that the meaning of "Lyrisches Stück" can vary depending on the specific musical or literary context in which it is used.

The German term for lyric piece.

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