Home Terms languendo


Meaning of "Languendo" in Music

In music, the term "languendo" is an Italian word that conveys a specific musical expression or instruction. It is used to indicate a languishing or plaintive quality in the performance of a piece of music. The term suggests a sense of sadness, melancholy, or a mournful character. It can be used to guide the performer to evoke a particular emotional atmosphere or mood in the music.

The term "languendo" is often found in music notation or performance directions, and it is typically written as a marking above a note or a rest to indicate that it should be held longer than the surrounding music would otherwise indicate. It is associated with a slower tempo and a more expressive delivery, allowing the performer to emphasize the emotional depth of the music.

The use of "languendo" in music can be found in various genres and styles, and it is particularly prevalent in compositions that aim to evoke a sense of sadness, longing, or introspection. It is a tool that composers and performers use to communicate and convey specific emotions and moods to the audience.

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A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a languid, feeble, dramatic style.

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languid, feeble, dramatic style lahn-GWEN-doe. [Italian] A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a languid, feeble, dramatic style.

an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.

Duet stems from the Italian duetto, "musical composition for two voices," from duo, or "two."

Giocoso Giocoso (Italian: 'playful', 'cheerful'). Meaning the piece should be played in a cheerful or playful way. Glissando.

Italian composers were the first to adopt music notation, and then the first to add annotations (language to indicate expression) to their scores. The practice became accepted in Italy, and then was adapted and formalized into one language through the rest of Europe, so that all musicians could understand.

singing In instrumental music, it is a particular style of playing designed to imitate the human voice. For 18th-century composers, cantabile is often synonymous with "cantando" (singing) and indicates a measured tempo and flexible, legato playing.

Music is an expression of sound that can evoke many emotions and reactions. It can be calming, energizing, inspiring, and uplifting. Examples of writing/description of music could include the use of words such as “melodious”, “harmonious”, “rhythmic”, “energetic”, or “soothing”.

Music is generally defined as the art of arranging sound to create some combination of form, harmony, melody, rhythm, or otherwise expressive content. Definitions of music vary depending on culture, though it is an aspect of all human societies and a cultural universal.

A trio is a group of three people who are playing musical instruments or singing together. The word "trio" may also refer to the piece of music that they are playing. Three people who are singing together are a "vocal trio".

tim·​bre ˈtam-bər ˈtim- : the quality of a sound or musical tone determined by its overtones and different for each voice or instrument.

Pianissimo Mezzo forte – medium loud. Mezzo piano – medium quiet. Piano – quiet. Pianissimo – very quiet.

pianissimo pp, standing for pianissimo and meaning "very quiet". ff, standing for fortissimo and meaning "very loud".

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