Home Terms klein


Meaning of "Klein" in Music

In the context of music, the term "Klein" does not have a specific meaning. It is a common surname and can refer to different individuals or entities. Without further context, it is difficult to determine a specific meaning associated with "Klein" in music.

1. Minor, in reference to intervals

2. A German term meaning little.

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small adjective. small [adjective] little in size, degree, importance etc; not large or great.

little The German word meaning "little." This term is typically used in conjunction with a tempo description term to qualify or further specify the intentions of the composer in German music. For example, "ein wenig langsam" directs the performer to play a particular passage "a little slower" than the previous passage.

[Italian] A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition gently or in a gentle manner.

Definitions of Calvin Klein. United States fashion designer noted for understated fashions (born in 1942) synonyms: Calvin Richard Klein, Klein. example of: clothes designer, couturier, designer, fashion designer. someone who designs clothing.

Mathias Klein Here are a few of our favorite highlights in the history of Klein Tools®. It was the year 1857 when Mathias Klein hand-forged the first official pair of Klein® pliers… in two separate installments! As the story goes, a telegraph lineman brought a broken pair of pliers into Mathias Klein's Chicago forge shop.

Più (Italian: 'more'). A term that can preface an instruction to mean 'more of'. 'Più vivo', meaning 'more lively', or 'Più lento', more slow.

: sustained to or beyond the note's full value. used as a direction in music.

Definitions of dulcet. adjective. pleasing to the ear. “the dulcet tones of the cello” synonyms: honeyed, mellifluous, mellisonant, sweet melodic, melodious, musical.

nounItalian. sweet life; the good life perceived as one of physical pleasure and self-indulgence (usually preceded by la).

German Flemish and Jewish (Ashkenazic); Dutch (also De Klein): from Middle High German German Dutch klein 'small' or Yiddish kleyn. This was a nickname for a person of small stature but is also often found as a distinguishing name for a junior male usually a son in German names such as Kleinhans and Kleinpeter .

German, Flemish, and Jewish (Ashkenazic); Dutch (also De Klein): from Middle High German, German, Dutch klein 'small', or Yiddish kleyn.

Klein was a pioneer in the development of performance art, and is seen as an inspiration to and as a forerunner of minimal art, as well as pop art. He is known for the development and use of International Klein Blue.

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