Home Terms inversion


  1. The position of a chord when the fundamental (or base pitch of a chord) is not the lowest note. When the lowest note is the fundamental, the chord is said to be in root position. When the third of the chord is in the lowest voice of the music, the chord is a "first inversion", when the fifth of the chord is in the lowest voice, the chord is said to be a "second inversion". (See chart below).  See also root position, first inversion, second inversion.
  2. The complement of an interval. Within an octave, the inversion of a second is a seventh, the inversion of a third is a sixth, the inversion of a fourth is a fifth.
  3. The mirroring of a tune about a fixed note. This is to say, the imitation of the melody performed upside-down from the original. This is used in Medieval and Renaissance counterpoint, in Baroque fugues, and in 20th century twelve-tone music.

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To invert a chord or an interval is to rearrange its notes so that the original bottom note becomes an upper note; for example, An interval (such as c′–f′) and its inversion (f′–c″) are complementary: together they form an octave. A three-note chord (triad) can be inverted twice from its original, or root, position.

a situation in which something is changed so that it is the opposite of what it was before, or in which something is turned upside down: Her account of the case was an inversion of the facts (= it said the opposite of what really happened).

The first inversion of a chord is when we switch the bottom keynote of the chord to the top note. For example, with the previous C major chord we would move to the next C key and play the C at the top so that it plays as E, G and C. This will give the chord a slightly higher tune than the root position.

Musically, chord inversions add interest to a song because they slightly change the sound of a chord without creating dissonance. Our ears are naturally drawn to the top note of chords, so while these chords can sound like a “different note,” they'll still sound good accompanying whatever melody you're playing.

Types of Inversions in Music Theory For example, when playing a C major scale, the musician plays C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C, one octave above the original C. The first step of the scale is C, the third step is E, and the fifth step is G, so a C major triad would contain the notes C, E, and G.

A reversal of position is called an inversion. If a bookstore's employees join together to purchase the store, there's an inversion of power: the employees become owners, and the former owners are their employees.

first inversion A chord in "first inversion," with its 3rd in the bass position, would have a 6/3: for example, if the bass is C, a 6th above that is A, and a third above is E, producing an A minor chord in first inversion. "6/3" was usually abbreviated to "6," so "6" still refers to a first inversion chord.

Yoga inversion is believed to release tension, increase circulation and energy levels, and strengthen muscles. It's also thought to promote emotional growth, calm the mind and spirit, guide energy toward the heart, and help you become more connected with the earth.

Inversions play an important role in determining cloud forms, precipitation, and visibility. An inversion acts as a cap on the upward movement of air from the layers below. As a result, convection produced by the heating of air from below is limited to levels below the inversion.


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  • Never a day had she missed her lessons.
  • Rarely have I eaten better food.
  • Hardly ever does he come to class on time.
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Inversion happens in English for emphasis, dramatic purpose or formality. To invert a sentence move the adverbial to the beginning of the sentence and invert the subject and auxiliary verb: 'I had never met someone so interesting. ' becomes 'Never had I met someone so interesting.

Lateral inversion is the real or apparent reversal of left and right. For example, the letter b when laterally inverted becomes the letter d (more or less). It is well-known that a plane mirror causes the apparent lateral inversion of objects.

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