Home Terms fortissimo


Meaning of Fortissimo in Music

In music, **fortissimo** is a dynamic marking that indicates a very loud volume level. It is derived from the Italian word "fortissimo," which means "very loud". Fortissimo is represented by the abbreviation "ff" and is one of the highest volume levels in Western music It is often used to create dramatic and powerful moments in a musical composition. Fortissimo is louder than **forte** (f), **mezzo-forte** (mf), and **mezzo-piano** (mp), but not as loud as **fortississimo** (fff)

A directive to perform the indicated passage very loudly symbolized by "ff". Louder than forte "f".

See more about dynamic marks in the Appendix.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the terms:

  • [Abbreviation] ff

Popular questions related to fortissimo

A piece of music that is played fortissimo is played very loudly. [technical]

Fortissimo Dynamic marking and meaning

Dynamic markingMeaning
ffFortissimo: very loud
fForte: loud
mfMezzo forte: fairly loud
mpMezzo piano: fairly quiet

A piece of music that is played fortissimo is played very loudly.

to be performed softly piano. A musical direction meaning “to be performed softly”; the opposite of forte. As the name of a musical instrument, it is short for pianoforte.

very loud ff, standing for fortissimo and meaning "very loud". ppp ("triple piano"), standing for pianississimo and meaning "very very quiet". fff ("triple forte"), standing for fortississimo and meaning "very very loud".

In a piece of music, ff. is a written abbreviation for fortissimo.

The volume of a sound or piece of music. VERY LOUD: Fortissimo (ff) LOUD: Forte (f) QUITE LOUD: Mezzo Forte (mf) QUITE SOFT: Mezzo Piano (mp) SOFT: Piano (p) VERY SOFT: Pianissimo (pp) GETTING LOUDER: Crescendo (cresc.) GETTING SOFTER: Diminuendo (dim.)

Forte is a musical term that means 'loud'. Forming part of a piece's dynamic range, forte is usually abbreviated to a lowercase letter 'f' on a musical score and placed below the stave (or staff) it applies to.

the speed at Tempo means the speed at which a piece of music should be played. As with many other musical terms, Italian words are used to describe different tempos of music.

to gradually decrease the loudness Diminuendo in music is the term that means to gradually decrease the loudness. It comes from the Italian word diminuire, which means to diminish. It is opposite to crescendo, which means to increase the intensity of sound.

very softly : very softly. used as a direction in music.

The abbreviation ff. is used in citation to refer to a section for which no final page number can usefully be given. If there is only a single section following, f. may be used instead. More properly, it is still used, as originally, to refer to the next page or pages in a citation.

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