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Meaning of Dot in Music

In music notation, a dot placed after a note or rest has a specific meaning. The dot increases the duration of the note or rest by half of its original value. This means that a dotted note is equivalent to writing the basic note tied to a note of half the value. For example, a dotted half note is equivalent to a half note tied to a quarter note.

The use of dotted notes in music notation dates back at least to the 10th century. In modern practice, the first dot increases the duration of the basic note by half of its original value. Subsequent dots add progressively halved value. For instance, a double-dotted note represents half the value of the first dot, or a quarter of the original duration.

It's important to note that the dot can also have other meanings in music notation, depending on the context. For example, a dot placed above or below a note can indicate that it should be played staccato, meaning short and detached. Additionally, in some specific musical scores, symbols like a V with a dot or a left-side dot may have different meanings, but these are less common and context-dependent.

Overall, the dot in music notation primarily serves to increase the duration of a note or rest by half of its original value.

1. A mark that represents a duration directive in musical notation. When placed to the right of the notehead, the dot indicates that a note should have half again its original duration. For example, if a dot is placed to the right of a half note, the note would then have the duration of a half note plus a quarter note

See dotted note; dotted rhythms.

2. A mark that represents an articulation directive in musical notation. When a dot is placed above or below a notehead, it indicates that the note should be played staccato.

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Dots and ties allow rhythmic and rest durations to be lengthened. A dot is written immediately after a note or rest, and it increases its duration by half (Example 6). For example, a quarter note is equivalent in duration to two eighth notes; therefore, a dotted quarter note would be equivalent to three eighth notes.

Directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS, also known as TB-DOTS) is the name given to the tuberculosis (TB) control strategy recommended by the World Health Organization. According to WHO, "The most cost-effective way to stop the spread of TB in communities with a high incidence is by curing it.

DOT helps prevent TB from spreading to others. DOT decreases the risk of drug-resistance resulting from erratic or incomplete treatment. DOT decreases the chances of treatment failure and relapse.

Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course DOTS: Stands for Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. DOTS is a strategy used to reduce the number of tuberculosis (TB) cases. In DOTS, healthcare workers observe patients as they take their medicine.

A symbol (·) indicating multiplication, as in 2 · 4 = 8. It is used to indicate the dot product of vectors, for example A · B. A period, as used as in URLs and e-mail addresses, to separate strings of words, as in www.hmco.com.

Directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS, also known as TB-DOTS) is the name given to the tuberculosis (TB) control strategy recommended by the World Health Organization. According to WHO, "The most cost-effective way to stop the spread of TB in communities with a high incidence is by curing it.

Dot to dots help you with counting and recognizing numbers. They can learn the order of numbers too. Dot to dots will help to build their confidence when it comes to maths. Not only that but dot-to-dots help to improve lots of fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination, so that they can connect the dots.

The dot operator symbol is used in math to represent multiplication and, in the context of linear algebra, as the dot product operator. Typically, the symbol is used in an expression like this: 3⋅5. In plain language, this expression means three multiplied by five.

A dot can be considered the beginning of the elements. A dot marks the beginning and the end of a line. Artists have also used the dot in their painting techniques, such as Pointillism, a painting method developed by the French artist Seurat. Line. A line is a series of dots.

: a small spot : speck entry 1. 2. : a small round mark: such as. a(1) : a small point made with a pointed instrument.

Dot notation is a syntax used in programming languages, including Python, to access an object's attributes and methods. It allows you to easily navigate through complex data structures without having to write long lines of code, which can be incredibly useful for any developer.

Examples from Collins dictionaries Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon. Small coastal towns dot the landscape.

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