Home Terms deux


Meaning of "deux" in music

In music, the term "deux" does not have a specific meaning. It is not a musical term or notation. The search results do not provide any relevant information about the meaning of "deux" in music. It is possible that "deux" may be used in a song title or lyrics, but without more context, it is difficult to determine its specific meaning in that context.


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Deux and D'eux means "of them" or "about them" while also being the number "two" in French. 2 (number), the natural number following 1 and preceding 3. Two (disambiguation)

two people who sing or play musical instruments together, or a piece of music written for two people.

step of two In ballet, a pas de deux [pɑ d(ə) dø] (French, literally "step of two") is a dance duet in which two dancers, typically a male and a female, perform ballet steps together.

/duˈet/ (also less frequent duo) ​a performance by two musicians or singers; a piece of music for two players or singers. a piano duet. The host of the show did a duet with one of the guests.

Inherited from Middle French deux, from Old French deus, from Latin duōs, masculine accusative plural of duo, from Proto-Italic *duō, from Proto-Indo-European *dwóh₁.

1. [ arriver, être reçu] two at a time.

Really. Sound like you're like one in the same you know yours you may be singing different notes. But you're sounding like you're blending well. And that's a complementary way of doing a duet.

A duo is two people performing or singing. A duet is the piece they are performing or singing. So, it's a duet for piano & flute. Note that a "duo" could also refer to two people in any field, not just musicians, e.g. Batman and Robin, a.k.a. The Dynamic Duo.

{interj.} [vulg.] du-te dracu! go to hell {interj.}

expression of disbelief or skepticism Interjection. weh? ( Baybayin spelling ᜏᜒ) (slang) expression of disbelief or skepticism synonym ▲ Synonym: ows.

She cooked a celebration dinner à deux. We were eating dinner à deux in the apartment we had moved into after she married my stepfather.

A duet is two people singing or playing musical instruments together. You and your brother might be a popular sidewalk duet with your fiddle-accordion combo. If you have tickets for a musical duet, you'll be watching and listening to two performers.

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