Home Composers Zakaria Paliashvili

Zakaria Paliashvili

Short bio Zakaria Paliashvili

Birthday: 1871
Died: 1933

Full biography Zakaria Paliashvili

photo Zakaria Paliashvili

Zakaria Paliashvili was a Georgian composer who lived from 1871 to 1933. He is known as one of the founding fathers of Georgian classical music and his contributions to the development of Georgian music are highly regarded.

Paliashvili's early years were marked with musical talent. He started playing the violin at an early age and at the age of 13, he was accepted into the Tbilisi Music School. After completing his studies there, he moved to Moscow to further his musical education.

Upon returning to Georgia, Paliashvili became the conductor of the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theater. It was during his time there that he started to become interested in Georgian folk music. He did extensive research on the subject and incorporated it into his compositions.

Some of Paliashvili's most notable works include "Abesalom and Eteri", which is based on a medieval Georgian poem, "Daisi", a choral suite based on Georgian folk music, and "Mravalzhamieri", another choral piece based on a Georgian folk song. Paliashvili's works were unique in that they combined classical music with traditional Georgian melodies, rhythms, and instruments.

During the Soviet era, Paliashvili's work was heavily promoted throughout the Soviet Union. He was awarded several prestigious awards, including the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Despite this, Paliashvili's work remains deeply rooted in Georgian culture and is still celebrated today.

Zakaria Paliashvili's contributions to Georgian classical music and his commitment to preserving Georgian cultural heritage have cemented his place in Georgian history as one of the country's most beloved composers.

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