Home Composers Eudenice V.Palaruan

Eudenice V.Palaruan

Short bio Eudenice V.Palaruan

Birthday: 1968

Full biography Eudenice V.Palaruan

photo Eudenice V.Palaruan

Eudenice V. Palaruan is a Filipino composer known for her outstanding musical compositions and inspiring work in promoting Philippine culture and history through music. Her musical journey began in high school when she discovered her passion for contemporary music.

Eudenice earned her Bachelor's Degree in Music Composition and Master's Degree in Composition from the University of the Philippines Diliman. She then pursued further studies at the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre in Germany, where she earned her Doctorate in Musical Arts.

Throughout her career as a composer, Eudenice has made significant contributions to Philippine contemporary music. Her works range from solo pieces to chamber ensembles and large-scale works for orchestra and choir. Some of her notable compositions include "Kung Paano Umawit ang mga Puno sa Gubat" (How the Trees in the Forest Sing), "Transients," and "Katapusang Ulan sa Tag-araw" (The Last Rain in Summer).

Apart from her musical compositions, Eudenice is also an educator and an advocate for the promotion of Philippine culture. She has taught music composition at the University of the Philippines Diliman and the University of Santo Tomas Conservatory of Music. Eudenice also founded the Philippine Women's University Centre for Culture, Arts, and Music.

Eudenice's works have earned recognitions and awards both locally and internationally. She is a recipient of the Gawad CCP Para sa Sining Award for Music Composition, the Japan Foundation Asia Center Fellowship, and the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship.

Overall, Eudenice V. Palaruan is a highly respected composer whose works have showcased her talent and passion for music. Her compositions and contributions to the Philippine music landscape have left a significant mark in the country's cultural history.

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