Home Composers Yolande Uyttenhove

Yolande Uyttenhove

Short bio Yolande Uyttenhove

Birthday: 1925
Died: 2000

Full biography Yolande Uyttenhove

photo Yolande Uyttenhove

Yolande Uyttenhove was a Belgian composer and pianist, born on July 25, 1925, in the city of Leuze. She received her musical education in Brussels, where she studied music composition and piano. She is known for her contribution to Belgian classical music and her unique style, which was heavily influenced by French music.

Uyttenhove's compositions were mostly for chamber ensembles, including pieces for string quartet, piano trio, and woodwind quintet. She also wrote many solo piano works, some of which have been recorded and performed internationally. Her music is characterized by its rich melodic lines, unusual harmonies, and evocative use of rhythm and texture.

In addition to her work as a composer, Uyttenhove was also an accomplished pianist, performing both her own works and the works of others. She taught at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and the Music Academy of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, and was active in promoting contemporary music by participating in festivals and competitions.

Uyttenhove passed away on February 2, 2000, leaving behind an impressive musical legacy. Her works continue to be performed and studied, and she is recognized as an important figure in the history of Belgian classical music and a key representative of the country's artistic heritage.

Albums featuring Yolande Uyttenhove

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Fauré / Uyttenhove – Yolande Uyttenhove, Fernand Leonard – Sonate N°1 En La Majeur Op 13 / Sonate Op 95 (Violon & Piano)(LP, Stereo) Fauré / Uyttenhove – Yolande Uyttenhove, Fernand Leonard – Sonate N°1 En La Majeur Op 13 / Sonate Op 95 (Violon & Piano)(LP, Stereo) 1983 EMS (2)
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