Home Composers Wolfram Menschick

Wolfram Menschick

Short bio Wolfram Menschick

Birthday: 1937
Died: 2010

Full biography Wolfram Menschick

photo Wolfram Menschick

Wolfram Menschick (1937-2010) was a Catholic church musician and composer from Germany. He is best known for his liturgical music, particularly his masses, which have been performed in churches around the world. Menschick composed more than 30 masses and other liturgical music throughout his career. He was also a member of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising's commission for liturgical music.

Menschick studied musicology and theology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He later worked as a church musician in various parishes, including the Cathedral of Our Lady in Munich. In addition to his liturgical music, Menschick composed instrumental and chamber music.

One of Menschick's most well-known compositions is the Missa "De Angelis," which was written for a three-voice choir and is often performed in Catholic churches during the celebration of the Mass. Menschick's works have also been recorded and released on various albums.

Menschick passed away in 2010, but his music continues to be performed and appreciated by audiences around the world.

Albums featuring Wolfram Menschick

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: J.S. Bach, Wolfram Menschick – Eichstätter Domorgel(LP, Album, Stereo) J.S. Bach, Wolfram Menschick – Eichstätter Domorgel(LP, Album, Stereo) - Jubilate-Verlag Eichstätt
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