Home Composers Sophie Menter

Sophie Menter

Short bio Sophie Menter

Birthday: 1846 in Munich, Germany
Died: 1918 in Munich, Germany

Full biography Sophie Menter

photo Sophie Menter

Sophie Menter (29 July 1846 - 23 February 1918) was a German pianist and composer , famous for being the favorite female student of Franz Liszt. She was born in Munich, Germany, and began taking piano lessons at a young age. Her exceptional talent was soon recognized by her teachers, and she went on to become one of the most renowned pianists of her time.

In addition to her career as a performer, Menter was also a composer. She wrote a number of works for piano, including salon trifles, character pieces, and variations on popular themes. Her compositions were well-received by audiences and critics alike, and they helped establish her reputation as a versatile and talented musician.

Menter's dedication to music was unwavering throughout her life, and she continued to perform and compose even as she faced significant health challenges. She died in Munich at the age of 71, leaving behind a legacy of extraordinary talent and dedication to the art of music.

Today, Sophie Menter is remembered as a pioneering figure in the world of classical music, and her contributions as a composer continue to be celebrated by musicians and audiences around the world.

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