Home Composers Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner

Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner

Short bio Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner

Birthday: 1676 in Steyr, Germany
Died: 1754 in Munich, Germany
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner

photo Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner

Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner (1676-1754) was a composer during the Baroque era , and is known for his contributions to the development of lute music. Lauffensteiner was a contemporary of fellow composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach and Sylvius Leopold Weiss, and spent much of his career in Vienna.

Lauffensteiner was born in Ratisbon, Bavaria, and began his career as a lutenist, traveling throughout Europe to perform and teach. He eventually settled in Vienna, where he was employed as a court musician for the Habsburgs. During his time in Vienna, Lauffensteiner wrote numerous works for the lute, including sonatas, suites, and variations.

Lauffensteiner's music is known for its virtuosic and expressive qualities, and his works were highly regarded by his contemporaries. He was particularly influential in the development of the lute as a solo instrument, and his compositions showcase the instrument's versatility and range.

Although Lauffensteiner's music fell out of favor following his death, his contributions to the development of the lute and his musical legacy continue to be celebrated by enthusiasts of Baroque music today.

Compositions featuring Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Allemande for lute 4:56 min Chamber Music -
2 Courante for lute 2:30 min Chamber Music -
3 Gigue for lute 1:15 min Chamber Music -
4 Partita for lute in B flat major 15:27 min Chamber Music -
5 Partita for lute in C minor 13:46 min Chamber Music -
6 Partita for lute in G minor 16:41 min Chamber Music -
7 Sonata 9:41 min -
8 Sonata for 2 lute in A major 13:49 min Chamber Music -
9 Sonata for lute in B flat major 14:16 min Chamber Music -
10 Suite in D Major (from Göttwieg I) 17:52 min Chamber Music -
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