Home Composers Wenzel Pichl

Wenzel Pichl

Short bio Wenzel Pichl

Birthday: 1741
Died: 1804

Full biography Wenzel Pichl

photo Wenzel Pichl

Wenzel Pichl (1741-1805) was a Czech composer, violinist, writer, and music director of the classical era. He was born in Bechyne, near Tbor, and started studying music with the Kantor Jan Dismas Zelenka. Pichl later moved to Prague, where he continued his education at the University.

Pichl's works were highly regarded during his lifetime, and he was considered one of the foremost European composers of his era. He was a friend of Dittersdorf, whose works had a strong influence on Pichl's development as a composer.

Pichl's compositions include symphonies, chamber music, operas, and concertos. He composed 148 pieces for Joseph Haydn's employer, and his music was performed throughout Europe.

In addition to his work as a composer, Pichl was also a respected writer and music director. He died in Vienna, Austria on January 23, 1805.

Today, Pichl's music is still performed and recorded. His symphonies are particularly highly regarded and are considered among the most interesting of the classical era.

Albums featuring Wenzel Pichl

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Lucas Drew, Warren Broome – Music For Double Bass And Piano From The Classical Period Volume 2(LP, Stereo) Lucas Drew, Warren Broome – Music For Double Bass And Piano From The Classical Period Volume 2(LP, Stereo) - Coronet Recording Company
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