Home Composers Vatroslav Lisinski

Vatroslav Lisinski

Short bio Vatroslav Lisinski

Birthday: 1819
Died: 1854

Full biography Vatroslav Lisinski

photo Vatroslav Lisinski

Vatroslav Lisinski was a prominent Croatian composer and musician born on March 8, 1819, in Zagreb. He was one of the most significant contributors to the Croatian music scene, and his career spanned over two decades in the 19th century.

Lisinski's talents as a musician were recognized while he was still young, and he went on to study music at the conservatory in Graz, Austria. After completing his studies, he returned to Zagreb and began his career as a composer and musician.

In the early years of his career, Vatroslav Lisinski focused on writing music for the theater. His most notable work during that time was the opera "Porin" in 1846, which was a resounding success and is now considered a cornerstone of Croatian national music.

Lisinski's style of music was unique and innovative. He combined classical traditions with various Croatian folk elements, creating a distinct and original sound. His music was celebrated for its beauty and vitality, and it quickly gained popularity, not just in Croatia but also across Europe.

While his career was relatively short due to his untimely death at the age of 34, Lisinski left an indelible mark on the music scene of Croatia and beyond. His contributions to Croatian national music continue to be celebrated, and the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb was named in his honor.

Compositions featuring Vatroslav Lisinski

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Der Abend, suite for orchestra 7:08 min Orchestral -
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