Home Composers Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer

Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer

Short bio Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer

Birthday: 1692 in Twickel
Died: 1766 in The Hague, The Netherlands
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer

photo Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer

Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer was a Dutch nobleman and composer of the Baroque period. He was born in the Hague in 1692 and died in 1766 in his hometown. Despite his noble status, van Wassenaer is best known for his musical works, particularly his instrumental music.

Van Wassenaer's works were highly regarded during his lifetime. In fact, his compositions influenced many notable composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach. Despite his popularity during the Baroque era, however, van Wassenaer's music fell out of favor and was largely forgotten for many years.

It wasn't until the 20th century that van Wassenaer's music was rediscovered and appreciated by musicologists and music enthusiasts. In 1925, his Concerti Armonici was published in the Netherlands, and the work gained a considerable amount of attention.

Van Wassenaer's most famous work is his Concerti Armonici, which consists of six concertos for string orchestra. These concertos are notable for their use of melody and texture, as well as their instrumental diversity. Another notable work of van Wassenaer is his Sonata No. 2 for Recorder and Continuo, which is considered one of the most important examples of Baroque chamber music.

Today, van Wassenaer is recognized as one of the key composers of the Dutch Baroque period. His works exemplify the richness and beauty of Baroque music, and his compositions continue to be celebrated and performed by musicians and music lovers around the world.

Compositions featuring Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Concerti Armonici (6) for orchestra 53:44 min Orchestral 1755
2 Concerto Armonico No. 1 in G major (previously attributed to G. Pergolesi) 11:48 min Concerto 1755
3 Concerto Armonico No. 2 in B flat major (previously attributed to G. Pergolesi) 10:35 min Concerto 1755
4 Concerto Armonico No. 3 in A major (previously attributed to G. Pergolesi) 9:08 min Concerto 1755
5 Concerto Armonico No. 4 in G major (previously attributed to G. Perglesi) 10:18 min Concerto 1755
6 Concerto Armonico No. 5 in F minor (previously attributed to G. Pergolesi) 10:15 min Concerto 1755
7 Concerto Armonico No. 6 in E flat major (previously attributed to G. Pergolesi) 8:24 min Concerto 1755
8 Sonata prima for recorder & continuo in F major 8:26 min Chamber Music 1714
9 Sonata Seconda for recorder & continuo in G minor 9:01 min Chamber Music 1714
10 Sonata Terza for recorder & continuo in G minor 9:31 min Chamber Music 1714
11 Sonatas for Alto Recorder & Continuo Chamber Music -
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