Home Composers Thomas Attwood Walmisley

Thomas Attwood Walmisley

Short bio Thomas Attwood Walmisley

Birthday: 1814 in London, England
Died: 1856 in Hastings, East Sussex, England
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Thomas Attwood Walmisley

photo Thomas Attwood Walmisley

Thomas Attwood Walmisley was a renowned British composer and musician of the 19th century. Born on January 21, 1814, in London, Walmisley was the son of a church organist, and he showed a remarkable talent for music at an early age. His father, who recognized his potential, gave him his first lessons in music, and it soon became clear that Walmisley was destined for greatness.

Walmisley began his education at the Chapel Royal, where he studied music theory, composition, and performance under the renowned musician William Crotch. He quickly became a star pupil, and his skills as a composer and organist were soon recognized by the music community.

In 1830, Walmisley won the prestigious Mendelssohn Scholarship, which allowed him to study music in Germany. He spent two years at the Leipzig Conservatoire, where he studied under the great composer and pianist Felix Mendelssohn. Walmisley was deeply influenced by Mendelssohn's music, and he returned to England with a fresh perspective on composition.

Upon his return, Walmisley was appointed as the organist and music director at Trinity College, Cambridge, a position he held until his untimely death in 1856. During his tenure at Trinity, Walmisley became one of the most acclaimed composers of his time, producing a wide range of works, including sacred music, hymns, choral music, and organ music. His compositions were highly regarded for their complex harmonies, rich melodies, and emotional depth.

In addition to his work at Trinity, Walmisley was also a professor of music at the University of Cambridge, where he taught a generation of aspiring musicians and composers. He was also a sought-after performer, and his skills as an organist and pianist were highly prized.

Thomas Attwood Walmisley's life was tragically cut short when he died of tuberculosis at the age of 42. However, his legacy as a composer and musician has endured, and his music continues to be performed and admired by music lovers today.

Compositions featuring Thomas Attwood Walmisley

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Sonatina for oboe & piano No. 2 6:34 min Chamber Music 1847
2 Not unto us, O Lord Miscellaneous (Classical) 1844
3 Full Service, for chorus in D major Choral 1843
4 Remember, O Lord, What Is Come Upon Us 12:21 min Choral 1838
5 The Lord Hear Thee in the Day of Trouble 2:35 min Choral -
6 Evening Service in D minor, for chorus 7:12 min Choral -
7 Sonatina No. 1 for oboe & piano 8:46 min Chamber Music -
8 Psalm 148 O praise the Lord of Heaven 2:59 min -
9 Psalm 143 for chorus & organ: Hear my prayer O Lord 4:13 min Choral -
10 Psalm 129 "Sæpe expungnaverunt" 2:45 min -
11 Psalm 119 vv.153-160 Vide humilitatem 2:00 min -
12 Psalm 104: Praise the Lord, O my Soul, for chorus & organ 7:32 min Choral -
13 Psalm 78: Hear My Law, O My People 6:34 min -
14 Psalm 40: I waited patiently for the Lord, for chorus & organ 5:36 min Choral -
15 Psalm 23: The Lord's my Shepherd, for chorus & organ 1:40 min Choral -
16 Psalm 19 "Caeli enarrant" (from St. Paul Psalter) 4:57 min Choral -
17 Psalm 9 for chorus & organ: I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord 5:40 min Choral -
18 Prelude and Fugue, for organ in E minor 5:56 min Keyboard -
19 O Hear Ye This, All Ye People (Psalm No. 49), for chorus & organ 6:11 min Choral -
20 Music, all powerful 5:08 min Choral -
21 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D minor 6:32 min Choral -
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