Home Composers Craig Walsh

Craig Walsh

Short bio Craig Walsh

Birthday: 1971
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary

Full biography Craig Walsh

photo Craig Walsh

Based on the search results, it appears that there is no significant information about a composer named Craig Walsh. However, there is information about individuals with the name Craig Walsh who are involved in the arts and music.

Craig Walsh-Wrightson is a multi-award winning writer, art director, producer, and film director from New Zealand. He has won the multi-AXIS Award, which is the NZ equivalent of the U.S. advertising industry's 'Clio' awards.

Craig Walsh is also mentioned in a few articles as an artist who has created installations and monuments that incorporate music and musicians. For example, the Monuments: Creative Forces art installation at Strathmore featured projections of musicians such as Yoko K. Sen onto trees as part of the work created by Craig Walsh. Another news article mentions a "Mc craig walsh" who appears to be a musician/band member based in Waterford.

Therefore, it appears that there is no notable composer named Craig Walsh, but there are individuals with this name who are involved in various creative fields, including film direction, art installations, and music.

Compositions featuring Craig Walsh

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Neshanic Wanes, for piano trio 8:15 min Chamber Music 2007
2 Bugaboo, for ensemble 13:15 min Chamber Music 2002
3 Lines, for piano 9:04 min Keyboard 2000
4 Schism, for clarinet & viola 7:56 min Chamber Music 2000
5 Zook, for ensemble 10:06 min Chamber Music 1997
6 Zoom, for violin & piano 9:52 min Chamber Music 1995
7 0 to 33 in 1098.5, for violin, clarinet & piano 13:28 min Chamber Music 1994
8 Pointing Out Your Ruse, for violin & percussion 15:32 min Chamber Music -
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