Home Composers Teodorico Pedrini

Teodorico Pedrini

Short bio Teodorico Pedrini

Birthday: 1671
Died: 1746
Genre: Classical

Full biography Teodorico Pedrini

photo Teodorico Pedrini

Teodorico Pedrini was an Italian Vincentian priest, musician, and composer who lived from June 30, 1671, to December 10, 1746. He is known for being one of the few composers from the 18th century who wrote European compositions in China , where he eventually arrived in 1701 as a missionary. Upon his arrival in Beijing, he was granted an audience with the Emperor Kangxi and was appointed as a court musician. He later moved to Chang Chung Yuan and was given the responsibility of teaching music to young pupils.

Pedrini composed a set of twelve violin sonatas while in Beijing, which are thoroughly Italianate in style. He wrote these works for the Emperor Kangxi, who had a great appreciation for music and was known to have composed his own music. Pedrini is considered to be the sole composer from the 18th century who wrote European compositions in China.

Pedrini remained in China for over 40 years before returning to Italy in 1743. During his time in China, he faced difficulties with the controversy over the Chinese rites, which were related to honoring Confucius and ancestors. He wrote numerous letters and music compositions, which are still available today.

Overall, Teodorico Pedrini is a significant composer who composed in China and whose works provide a unique blend of Western and Chinese musical influences. His compositions and letters offer an invaluable insight into the musical life of 18th century China and the challenges that were faced by missionaries in spreading Christianity.

Compositions featuring Teodorico Pedrini

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Sonata No. 1 for violin & continuo in A major 9:19 min Chamber Music -
2 Sonata No. 4 for cello & continuo in G minor 8:53 min Chamber Music -
3 Sonata No. 5 for flute & continuo in G major 10:07 min Chamber Music -
4 Sonata No. 7 for flute & continuo in B flat major 8:06 min Chamber Music -
5 Sonata No. 10 for violin & continuo in C minor 7:49 min Chamber Music -
6 Sonatas (12) for violin & continuo, Op. 3 112:01 min Chamber Music -

Albums featuring Teodorico Pedrini

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Pédrini, Wilson, Lindorff – Complete Violin Sonatas(2×CD, Album) Pédrini, Wilson, Lindorff – Complete Violin Sonatas(2×CD, Album) 2016 Paladino Music
2 Cover for album: Téodorico Pédrini, Joseph-Marie Amiot / XVIII-21 Musique Des Lumières – Concert Baroque A La Cité Interdite - Baroque Concert At The Forbidden City Téodorico Pédrini, Joseph-Marie Amiot / XVIII-21 Musique Des Lumières – Concert Baroque A La Cité Interdite - Baroque Concert At The Forbidden City 1996 Astrée Auvidis
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