Home Composers Teizo Matsumura

Teizo Matsumura

Short bio Teizo Matsumura

Birthday: 1929 in Kyoto, Japan
Died: 2007
Active: 1950s - 1990s
Genre: International,Classical

Full biography Teizo Matsumura

photo Teizo Matsumura

Teizo Matsumura (1929-2007) was a prominent Japanese composer and poet known for his contributions to contemporary classical music. Born in Nagoya, Japan, he began to write music and haiku during his recovery from tuberculosis in the early 1950s. He started his professional career as a composer later than his contemporaries , including Toru Takemitsu, Toshiro Mayuzumi, Joji Yuasa, Akio Yashiro and Michio Mamiya. Despite this, he quickly gained recognition for his innovative and unique style.

Matsumura's music is known for its blending of Western and Japanese traditional music techniques, making it a unique and distinct sound. His compositions have been used in various fields, from theater and dance to the silver screen, with his work in the movie "Chinmoku" (Silence) being one of his most famous pieces.

He worked closely with the Japanese composers' associations, contributing not only as part of its leadership but also as a critic. His works have been performed by numerous Japanese orchestras, including the NHK Symphony Orchestra and the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as in other countries.

In addition to his musical pursuits, Matsumura was also an avid haiku poet and author. His collection of haiku entitled "Kaze no Uta" (Song of the Wind) was widely recognized and praised. Matsumura was a true innovator and a trailblazer for contemporary Japanese music.

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