Home Composers Ruth Shaw Wylie

Ruth Shaw Wylie

Short bio Ruth Shaw Wylie

Birthday: 1916 in Cincinnati, OH
Died: 1989
Active: 1950s - 1970s
Genre: Classical
Period: Modern

Full biography Ruth Shaw Wylie

photo Ruth Shaw Wylie

Sure! Ruth Shaw Wylie (1916-1989) was an American composer and music educator who was born in Cincinnati , Ohio. She grew up in Lexington, Kentucky and later attended the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, where she studied composition with Howard Hanson. Wylie went on to teach at a number of institutions, including the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Indiana University, and was known for her work in chamber and vocal music.

Her compositional style was largely tonal and melodic, with an emphasis on clear textures and expressive harmony. Wylie wrote over 100 works, including chamber music, songs, choral music, and orchestral pieces. Some of her most well-known compositions include "Spring Madness," "Psychogram," and "Wistful Piece."

Wylie was also a prominent music educator, and taught at institutions including the Sherwood School of Music in Chicago and the Eastman School of Music. She was a strong advocate for contemporary music and was known for her supportive and encouraging teaching style. Many of her students went on to successful careers in music.

In conclusion, Ruth Shaw Wylie was an important figure in American music, known for her lush and melodic compositions and her dedication to music education. Her legacy lives on through her many works and the countless students she inspired during her career.

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