Home Composers Rosalind Ellicott

Rosalind Ellicott

Short bio Rosalind Ellicott

Birthday: 1857 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Died: 1924 in London, England

Full biography Rosalind Ellicott

photo Rosalind Ellicott

Rosalind Frances Ellicott was a prominent female composer who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was born on November 14, 1857, and died on April 5, 1924, and was known for her skill in composing music for the orchestra and the chamber.

Despite being born to a family with little interest in music, Rosalind showed a precocious talent for the art form at a young age. She went on to study music under respected teachers, including George Grove, and quickly gained recognition as a composer. Her compositions were praised for their beauty and complexity, and she was considered one of the leading female composers of her generation.

Rosalind's music was performed throughout England and Europe during her lifetime. She composed for a variety of mediums, including full orchestra, piano, and string quartet. Some of her notable works include "The Tempest," "Epi Sunt," and "Wind Quintet."

Today, Rosalind Ellicott is remembered as a significant figure in the history of classical music, particularly for her contributions to the British musical renaissance of the late 19th century. Her music continues to be performed and recorded, ensuring that her legacy as a pioneering female composer lives on.

Compositions featuring Rosalind Ellicott

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 A Reverie, for cello 4:03 min Chamber Music -
2 Piano Trio No. 2 32:41 min Chamber Music -

Albums featuring Rosalind Ellicott

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Michael Balfe, Roger Quilter, Edgar Bainton, Rosalind Ellicott, Walter MacFarren, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Joseph Spooner, Michael Jones (72), Kathryn Mosley – Romantics In England. Music For Cello & Piano(CD, Compilation) Michael Balfe, Roger Quilter, Edgar Bainton, Rosalind Ellicott, Walter MacFarren, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Joseph Spooner, Michael Jones (72), Kathryn Mosley – Romantics In England. Music For Cello & Piano(CD, Compilation) 2009 Dutton Digital
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