Home Composers Ron Jones

Ron Jones

Short bio Ron Jones

Birthday: 1954

Full biography Ron Jones

photo Ron Jones

Ron Jones is an American composer who has made significant contributions to the world of television and film scores. He was born on July 7, 1954, in Kansas City, Kansas, USA. Jones has received Emmy and Grammy nominations for his work on a wide range of television shows, among them Star Trek: The Next Generation, Family Guy, and The Prince and Me.

Jones started his career in music in the early 1980s and learned his craft by working on various television shows. His first big breakthrough came in 1987 when he was commissioned to compose the musical scores for the first four seasons of Star Trek : The Next Generation. His work on the show is widely regarded as one of the best scores ever created for a television program, and he received an Emmy nomination in 1988 for his work on the episode "The Best of Both Worlds."

Jones has also worked on other popular television shows, including Duck Tales, Tiny Toon Adventures, American Dad!, and The Fairly OddParents, among others. In addition to his work in television, he has also composed music for films such as The Little Mermaid, The Land Before Time, and An American Tail: Fievel Goes West.

In recent years, Jones has opened his own music studio, called SkyMuse Studios, and continues to compose music for various projects. He also occasionally performs live music concerts where he plays selections from his vast musical catalog.

Jones's music has been highly praised for its originality and innovation, and his contribution to the world of television and film scores has been significant. His work has earned him numerous accolades, and he remains one of the most respected and sought-after composers in the industry.

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