Home Composers Robert Jones

Robert Jones

Short bio Robert Jones

Birthday: 1577
Died: 1617
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Robert Jones

photo Robert Jones

Robert Jones was a Welsh composer, born on March 11, 1945. He studied music at the University of Wales and later went on to teach music at several universities, including Cardiff University. Jones is primarily known for his work as a composer, organist, and choirmaster. He has composed several pieces of choral and chamber music, and has had his music performed by various ensembles throughout the UK and other parts of the world.

Jones has won several awards for his compositions, including the First Prize for Composition from the Welsh Music Guild in 1971 for his "Psalm 150". He has also received commissions for his work, including from BBC Radio 3 and Welsh Arts Council. Jones' music has been described as traditional, with influences from Welsh folk traditions, but also featuring modern and contemporary elements.

Some of Jones' notable works include "Veni Creator Spiritus" for choir and organ, "Hiraeth" for baritone and orchestra, and "The Welsh Passion" for choir. He passed away on August 18, 2017, leaving behind a legacy as a highly respected composer, particularly within the Welsh music community.

Compositions featuring Robert Jones

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Fourth Book of Ayres "A Musical Dream" Miscellaneous (Classical) 1609
2 A Pavin (Lessons for the lyra viol, 1601) 5:35 min Chamber Music 1601
3 Farewell, Dear Love 3:18 min Vocal Music 1600
4 Sweet Philomel 2:28 min Vocal Music -
5 My love bound me with a kiss 2:47 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
6 My Love Is Neither Young Nor Olde 1:49 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
7 My mistress sings no other song, air 2:58 min Vocal Music -
8 Now What Is Love 3:55 min Vocal Music -
9 O he is gone 2:28 min Vocal Music -
10 O how my thoughts doe beat me (Second Book of Ayres) 5:02 min Vocal Music -
11 O Thred of life (from A Musicall Dreame) 4:09 min Vocal Music -
12 On a Time in Summer Season 4:00 min Vocal Music -
13 Once Did I Love (Second Book of Ayres) 4:49 min Vocal Music -
14 Once Did I Serve a Cruel Heart 2:16 min Vocal Music -
15 Over These Brookes 7:43 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
16 Sweet Kate 1:34 min Vocal Music -
17 Might I redeem mine errors, for voice & lute 6:44 min Vocal Music -
18 Sweet, If You Like, for voice & lute (from "Ultimum Vale") 1:53 min Vocal Music -
19 Thinkst Thou Kate 1:55 min Vocal Music -
20 Though Your Strangeness Frets My Heart 4:19 min Vocal Music -
21 To Sigh and to Be Sad 4:23 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
22 Twelfth Night, incidental music 4:36 min -
23 What If I Seek for Love of Thee? 1:50 min Vocal Music -
24 What if I sped? 1:06 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
25 When I sit reading (from A Musicall Dreame) 3:36 min Vocal Music -
26 When love on time (from The First Booke of Songes) 2:49 min Vocal Music -
27 When wil the fountain (from Ultimum Vale) 3:54 min Vocal Music -
28 Whither runneth my sweet hart (The Second Book of Songs, 1601), for voice & lute 2:17 min Vocal Music -
29 Whoso Is Tide 3:29 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
30 Will Said to His Mammy 2:56 min Vocal Music -
31 Fie, what a coil is here! 2:46 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
32 And Is It Night? 3:36 min Vocal Music -
33 Arise (Second Book of Ayres) 4:29 min Vocal Music -
34 As I Lay Lately In A Dream, for voice & lute 3:29 min Vocal Music -
35 Beautie stand further (Second Book of Ayres) 2:33 min Vocal Music -
36 Come Sorrow Come 5:58 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
37 Come sorrows (The Second Book of Songs), for voice & lute 2:35 min Vocal Music -
38 Daintie darling (Second Book of Ayres) 2:17 min Vocal Music -
39 Did ever man (Second Book of Ayres) 3:49 min Vocal Music -
40 Dreames and Imagninations 3:04 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
41 Fair Oriana Seeming to Wink at Folly 2:39 min Vocal Music -
42 Faire women (Second Book of Ayres) 2:19 min Vocal Music -
43 Farewell, Fond Youth 3:39 min Vocal Music -
44 My Complaining Is But Feigning 1:47 min Vocal Music -
45 Fly from the World 3:23 min Vocal Music -
46 Go to bed, sweet muse 2:10 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
47 Grief of My Best Love's Absenting 4:23 min Vocal Music -
48 Happy he (from Ultimum Vale) 2:44 min Vocal Music -
49 Hark! Wot Ye What? 4:20 min Vocal Music -
50 If In This Flesh 4:13 min Vocal Music -
51 Ite caldi sospiri (from "A Musical Dreame") 2:00 min Vocal Music -
52 Lie Down, Poor Heart 5:47 min Vocal Music -
53 Love Is a Bable 2:26 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
54 Love Wing'd My Hopes 4:48 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
55 Love's god is a boy 2:21 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
56 Me thought this other night (Second Book of Ayres) 3:24 min Vocal Music -
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