Home Composers Roger Rossi

Roger Rossi

Short bio Roger Rossi

Birthday: 1940
Genre: Jazz

Full biography Roger Rossi

photo Roger Rossi

Roger Rossi was a US trumpet player and professional musician who was active in the music scene. His exact birth and death dates are not mentioned in the search results. According to the search result from Discogs, he has released music on vinyl, CDs, and more. It's not clear whether he composed his own music or was solely a performer.

In one of the search results, it is mentioned that Hawley Ades, a professional musician and composer, had arranged music for Roger Rossi, indicating that Rossi may have also been a composer.

Additionally, Rossi had played the piano for the song "Leader of the Pack," which was written by George Morton and Jeff Barry. He was also remembered as a staff musician for arranging music for his family friend Hawley Ades by Rossi himself.

Not much information is available about Roger Rossi's life and career, but his name appears in various search results related to music. Hence, it can be inferred that he was a significant figure in the music industry.

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