Home Composers Rod McKuen

Rod McKuen

Short bio Rod McKuen

Birthday: 1933
Died: 2015

Full biography Rod McKuen

photo Rod McKuen

Rod McKuen was an American poet, singer-songwriter, and composer. He was born on April 29, 1933, and passed away on January 29, 2015. Over the course of his career, he released up to 200 albums and wrote over 1,500 songs, which have been recorded by a wide variety of musicians, including Frank Sinatra, Madonna, and Johnny Cash.

McKuen began his career as a poet in the 1950s, publishing collections of poetry and essays throughout the decade. He also worked as a journalist, writing for a number of newspapers and magazines. In the 1960s, he moved to Paris and began writing and performing music. He quickly gained a following and became one of the most popular performers of the era.

Some of his most famous songs include "Love's Been Good To Me", "If You Go Away", and "Jean". He also wrote the English lyrics for Jacques Brel's "Le Moribond", which became a hit for the Kingston Trio in the early 1960s. McKuen was known for his distinctive baritone voice and his ability to write lyrics that were both poetic and accessible.

In addition to his music, McKuen was also known for his poetry and prose. He published over 30 collections of poetry and essays during his lifetime and was regarded as one of the best-selling poets in American history.

Overall, Rod McKuen was a prolific and influential composer, singer-songwriter, and poet. His unique combination of musical and literary talents set him apart from his contemporaries and ensured that his music and writing would continue to be celebrated and admired for years to come.

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