Home Composers John McLachlan

John McLachlan

Short bio John McLachlan

Birthday: 1964

Full biography John McLachlan

photo John McLachlan

John McLachlan is an Irish composer who was born in Dublin on March 5 , 1964. His mother was the writer Leland Bardwell. He studied at the DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama and the Royal Irish Academy of Music.

McLachlan has an impressive body of work ), and his compositions have been featured in Irish concert series such as Horizons , Composers' Choice, and Mostly Modern. His music is known for being dramatic and making hair stand on end.

Apart from being a composer, McLachlan has also worked as a music examiner. He has authored articles on music which have been published in journals such as the Journal of the British Academy of Composers and Songwriters.

McLachlan has collaborated with many other artists , including sound artist Ulises Conti. One project with Conti inspired McLachlan to write adventurous and reflective piano pieces called "Drinking the Stars."

It is clear that John McLachlan is a talented and well-respected composer who has made significant contributions to the world of music. His work showcases a unique style and perspective, and it is clear that he will continue to be an important figure in the world of contemporary music.

Compositions featuring John McLachlan

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Nine, for piano 14:01 min Keyboard 2011
2 When She Cam Ben, She Bobbit 1:54 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -

Albums featuring John McLachlan

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: NineMary Dullea – Gothic: New Piano Music From Ireland(CD, Album) NineMary Dullea – Gothic: New Piano Music From Ireland(CD, Album) 2015 Metier
2 Cover for album: Grand ActionVarious – Contemporary Music From Ireland Volume 9(CD, Compilation, Promo) Grand ActionVarious – Contemporary Music From Ireland Volume 9(CD, Compilation, Promo) 2010 The Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland
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