Home Composers Robert William Witt

Robert William Witt

Short bio Robert William Witt

Birthday: 1930
Died: 1967
Genre: Electronic

Full biography Robert William Witt

photo Robert William Witt

Robert William Witt (March 4 , 1930 - September 18, 1967) was an American neoclassical and experimental composer. He was born in Youngstown, Ohio, and began studying the piano at an early age. He later attended Bay Path Junior College and the University of Michigan, where he studied with Ross Lee Finney and George Rochberg.

Witt's compositions were characterized by their complex harmonic structures and his interest in mathematical relationships. He also incorporated elements of jazz and popular music into his work. Some of his notable compositions include "String Quartet No. 1," "Four Pieces for Orchestra," and "Piano Sonata No. 2."

Despite his relatively short career, Witt received several awards and honors in recognition of his talent and contributions to American music. He was a recipient of the Rome Prize, the Guggenheim Fellowship, and the National Institute of Arts and Letters award. In 1966, he was appointed to the faculty at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, where he taught composition until his untimely death the following year at the age of 37.

Today, Witt's music continues to be performed and studied by musicians and scholars around the world. His legacy as an innovative and influential composer of the mid-twentieth century is secure.

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