Home Composers Diane Wittry

Diane Wittry

Short bio Diane Wittry

Birthday: 1964

Full biography Diane Wittry

photo Diane Wittry

Diane Wittry is an American musical conductor and composer who has made significant contributions to the world of classical music. She has been the music director and conductor of the Allentown Symphony since 1995 and has earned great recognition for her work in the field. Diane Wittry has also conducted numerous symphonies and is widely recognized as a respected conducting teacher.

Aside from her work as a conductor, Diane Wittry is an accomplished composer with a catalogue of original compositions. Her works have been performed in major concert halls across the United States, Europe, and Asia. She has also worked with various symphonies and ensembles to arrange and conduct performances of her compositions.

In addition to her work in classical music, Diane Wittry is known for her passion for education and outreach. She has written several books on the topic of music education and regularly participates in music education programs and events. Her efforts in promoting music education have earned her recognition and numerous awards.

Overall, Diane Wittry is a highly influential figure in the world of classical music, with a career that spans over several decades. She has made significant contributions to the field as a conductor, composer, educator, and influencer. Her love for music and dedication to excellence continue to inspire countless individuals in the world of music.

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