Home Composers Robert Morton

Robert Morton

Short bio Robert Morton

Birthday: 1430
Died: 1479
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Robert Morton

photo Robert Morton

Robert Morton was an English composer of the early Renaissance ), primarily active at the Burgundian court. He was highly regarded during his time and in 1457 was appointed as a clerk to the Burgundian court chapel. Morton is known for writing both sacred and secular music and was considered one of the most significant composers of his time. Despite his importance in his era, very little is known about his life beyond his work. Some of his surviving works include "L'homme armé", "Nesciens mater", "Sancta Dei genitrix" and "Missa Ego flos campi". His works continue to be studied and performed to this day, showcasing his genius as a composer.

Compositions featuring Robert Morton

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Bicinium 1:47 min Keyboard -
2 Il sera pour vous conbatu 1:27 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 L'Homme Armé for winds 1:55 min Chamber Music -
4 La Perontina, for 3 voices 1:04 min Vocal Music -
5 Le Souvenir de vous me tue, for 3 voices 2:42 min Vocal Music -
6 N'aray je jamais mieulx que j'ay 3:31 min Vocal Music -
7 Pièce instrumentale 2:08 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
8 Plus j'ay le monde, for 3 voices 3:29 min Vocal Music -
9 Que pourroit plus faire une dame, for 3 voices 5:26 min Vocal Music -
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