Home Composers Richard Storrs Willis

Richard Storrs Willis

Short bio Richard Storrs Willis

Birthday: 1819 in Boston, MA
Died: 1900 in Detroit, MI
Genre: Vocal,Holiday,Classical,Pop/Rock

Full biography Richard Storrs Willis

photo Richard Storrs Willis

Richard Storrs Willis was an American composer, born on February 10, 1819, and died on May 10, 1900. He is mainly known for his contributions to hymn music, having composed many popular hymns that are still sung today in churches around the world. Willis was also a music critic, writer, and publisher.

Willis was born in Boston, Massachusetts, into a family of musicians, and he grew up in a musical environment. His father was a violinist and music publisher, and his brother Nathaniel was a well-known poet and literary figure. His brother Richard, who became a composer like him, is best known for writing the melody for "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," a popular Christmas carol.

Willis received his musical training in Europe , studying at the Leipzig Conservatory under Felix Mendelssohn. He also studied in Paris and London, where he met many of the leading composers of the day.

In addition to his work as a composer, Willis was a music critic for the New York Tribune and the New York Times. He also founded the Willis Music Company, which published sheet music and books on music theory.

Some of Willis's most famous hymn tunes include "Marching to Zion," "Come, Thou Almighty King," and "We're Marching to Zion." Willis is considered one of the most important American composers of his time and his contributions to hymn music continue to be celebrated today.

Compositions featuring Richard Storrs Willis

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 2:53 min Miscellaneous (Classical) 1850
2 Fairest Lord Jesus, for choir 2:25 min Choral -
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