Home Composers Richard Michael Levey

Richard Michael Levey

Short bio Richard Michael Levey

Birthday: 1811
Died: 1899

Full biography Richard Michael Levey

photo Richard Michael Levey

Richard Michael Levey (1811-1899) was an Irish composer , conductor, and violinist. Born in Dublin, he came from a family of musicians and began his music education at an early age. He later studied at the Royal Irish Academy of Music and performed as a violinist with various orchestras.

Levey's compositions included operas, orchestral works, and chamber music. He also composed music for the theater and ballet. Some of his most well-known works include the opera "The Poor Soldier," which was first performed in Dublin in 1829, and his "Irish Symphony," which was premiered in 1875.

In addition to his work as a composer, Levey also had a successful career as a conductor. He served as the conductor of the Orchestra of the Royal Dublin Society from 1829 to 1851 and later conducted the Promenade Concerts at the Covent Garden Theatre in London.

Overall, Richard Michael Levey was a prolific and talented composer who made significant contributions to the musical culture of his time. Despite his accomplishments, he is now largely forgotten and remains an unsung hero of 19th-century classical music.

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