Home Composers Richard Leveridge

Richard Leveridge

Short bio Richard Leveridge

Birthday: 1670
Died: 1758
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Richard Leveridge

photo Richard Leveridge

Richard Leveridge was a celebrated British composer who was born in 1670 in London, England, and died in 1758. He was known for his contributions to English opera and his stellar performances as a bass-baritone.

Leveridge began his career as a chorister at St. Paul's Cathedral in London, where he gained invaluable experience in music. He then went on to become a composer and performer, whose work was highly acclaimed both in England and abroad.

One of the highlights of Leveridge's career was his association with the Drury Lane Theatre, where he produced several of his works, including “The Island Princess” and “The Christmas Tale”. These operas, which were composed in the early part of the 18th century, were well-received and cemented his place in the history of English opera.

Leveridge’s compositions were not limited to opera alone. He also wrote works for famous London musical groups, including the King’s Musick and the Academy of Ancient Music. He is also said to have contributed to the development of the English ballad opera, a genre that combined spoken dialogue with musical numbers.

Apart from his contributions as a composer, Leveridge was also known for his skill as a performer. He possessed a powerful and versatile voice that was well-suited to the demands of both opera and oratorio. His most famous performance was as Polyphemus in the production of “Acis and Galatea” by Handel, a role that showcased his exceptional talent.

Leveridge's contributions to English music were vast and varied, and he is remembered as a true pioneer and icon in the development of English opera. His work continues to influence the world of music to this day, making him one of the most significant figures in the history of western music.

Compositions featuring Richard Leveridge

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 When daisies pied and violets blue, song 2:30 min Vocal Music 17??
2 Black and Gloomy as the Grave 4:26 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Macbeth Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Sprach der alte Schäfer 2:20 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
5 The Roast Beef of Old England 2:18 min Vocal Music -
6 The Sailor's Farewell, song for voice & continuo 3:59 min Vocal Music -
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