Home Composers Raimond Lap

Raimond Lap

Short bio Raimond Lap

Birthday: 1959

Full biography Raimond Lap

photo Raimond Lap

Raimond Lap was a Dutch composer, born on June 24, 1949. He was a prolific composer, with a career spanning over four decades. His work has been performed and acclaimed in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Lap started his music education at the Rotterdam Conservatory, where he studied under Klaas de Vries and Joep Straesser. He graduated with honors in 1974 and went on to study with renowned composers such as Pierre Boulez, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Luciano Berio.

Lap's compositions are characterized by their intricate harmonic structures and his use of unconventional instrumentation. He was always interested in exploring new sound worlds and finding new ways of creating music. His music often featured electronic elements and narrative elements, which gave his work a unique and captivating quality.

Throughout his career, Lap received numerous awards and honors, including the Gaudeamus International Composers Award in 1975. His work has been performed by orchestras and ensembles such as the Amsterdam Sinfonietta and the Berlin Chamber Orchestra.

Sadly, Raimond Lap passed away on January 13, 2016, at the age of 66, leaving behind a significant and lasting legacy in the world of contemporary classical music. His work continues to be performed and admired by audiences around the world, showcasing the remarkable talent of this Dutch composer.

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