Home Composers Pietro Platania

Pietro Platania

Short bio Pietro Platania

Birthday: 1828
Died: 1907
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Pietro Platania

photo Pietro Platania

Pietro Platania was an Italian composer and music educator born on April 5 , 1828, in Catania, Italy. He was a student at the San Pietro a Majella conservatory in Naples, where he studied composition under Pietro Raimondi and piano under Raffaele Sacco.

Platania was a youthful composer, as he was only 41 years old when he was chosen, along with 12 other composers, to participate in a Verdi-inspired event organized by the Italian government in which they were asked to compose a piece of music with the theme of the death of Rossini.

In addition to his work as a composer, Platania was also a music educator. He taught at the conservatories in Naples and Palermo and served as the director of the Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro a Majella. Platania also wrote instructional books on music theory, including "Trattato di Armonia" and "Manuale di Musica Pratica."

Platania died on April 26, 1907, in Naples, at the age of 79. Although not a well-known composer outside of Italy, Platania was a respected figure in the Italian music scene and played an important role in the education of future generations of Italian musicians.

Compositions featuring Pietro Platania

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Benedictus - Hosana, for soprano, chorus & orchestra (for Requiem for Rossini) 2:59 min Choral -
2 Sanctus - Hosana, for soprano, chorus & orchestra (for Requiem for Rossini) 6:11 min Choral -
3 Sanctus for 2 choruses & 2 organs 7:27 min Choral -

Albums featuring Pietro Platania

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: SanctusCoro E Orchestra Del Teatro Alla Scala, Riccardo Chailly – Messa Per Requiem (A Requiem By Verdi And 12 Other Composers In Memory Of Rossini)(2×CD, Stereo) SanctusCoro E Orchestra Del Teatro Alla Scala, Riccardo Chailly – Messa Per Requiem (A Requiem By Verdi And 12 Other Composers In Memory Of Rossini)(2×CD, Stereo) 2018 Decca
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