Home Composers Peter Planyavsky

Peter Planyavsky

Short bio Peter Planyavsky

Birthday: 1947
Active: 1980s - 1990s
Genre: Classical

Full biography Peter Planyavsky

photo Peter Planyavsky

Peter Planyavsky is an Austrian organist and composer born on May 9, 1947. He is a son of the late Austrian double-bassist and music teacher, Alfred Planyavsky. Peter Planyavsky attended the Schottengymnasium in Vienna, where he later became a teacher. He also studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where he obtained his diploma in 1968, and subsequently, his doctorate in 1972.

Throughout his career, Peter Planyavsky has gained international recognition as an accomplished organist and composer, and he has performed extensively in Europe, Asia, and the United States. As a composer, he has created works for a variety of musical forms, including operas, oratorios, orchestral works, and chamber music. He has also written numerous pieces for the organ, which showcase his virtuosic playing and technical mastery.

Planyavsky has composed over 250 works ranging from chamber music with various instrumentations, including organ and brass, and has devoted a large part of his career to the promotion of contemporary music. He has been a professor of organ at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna since 1978 and has served as a jury member in several international music competitions.

Planyavsky's works have been recorded and released on numerous CDs and he has been honored with several awards throughout his career, including the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art. His compositions continue to be performed widely today and his legacy as both a composer and organist remains an important part of the classical music community.

Compositions featuring Peter Planyavsky

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Drei ernste Gespräche (Three Serious Conversations), for organ & harpsichord 10:28 min Keyboard 1978
2 Pieces (4) for 2 harpsichords 13:48 min Keyboard 1978
3 Improvisation for organ on Gott ruft sein Volk zusammen 4:28 min Keyboard -
4 Toccata alla Rumba, for organ 4:33 min Keyboard -
5 Sonatine uber ein eigenes Thema, for organ 8:30 min -
6 Schwarzenbach Magnificat, for organ 10:32 min Keyboard -
7 Rondo uber, Lobe den Herren, for organ 13:32 min -
8 Perpetuum Mobile, for organ Keyboard -
9 Missa improvisata, for organ 24:49 min Keyboard -
10 Improvisation über "Herr, lehre doch mich, daß ein Ende mit mir haben muß" from Brahms' Deutschen Requiem, for organ 18:43 min Keyboard -
11 Ankunftssymphonie Symphony -
12 Improvisation for organ on "Wohl denen, die da wandeln" 3:09 min Keyboard -
13 Improvisation for organ on "Schönster Herr Jesu" 6:36 min Keyboard -
14 Improvisation for organ on "Jesu, der du Blut und Leben" 10:02 min Keyboard -
15 Getsemane, improvisation for organ 6:39 min Keyboard -
16 Fantasie und Passacaglia über ein eigenes Thema, for organ 13:25 min Keyboard -
17 Der Garten Eden, improvisation for organ 3:51 min Keyboard -
18 Der Berg Horeb, improvisation for organ 10:21 min Keyboard -
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