Home Composers Peter K.Moran

Peter K.Moran

Short bio Peter K.Moran

Birthday: 1767
Died: 1831

Full biography Peter K.Moran

photo Peter K.Moran

Peter K. Moran is a composer whose name appears on several search results, including a participant list on World Bank's website. However, there is limited information available on him, and it is unclear what type of music he composes or if he has any notable works. It is possible that he is a relatively unknown composer, or that he may have composed music for specific projects or events. Without more information, it is difficult to provide a comprehensive overview of his music career or body of work.

Albums featuring Peter K.Moran

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Variation On A Suabian Theme Alissa Duryee – An Das Klavier(CD, ) Variation On A Suabian Theme Alissa Duryee – An Das Klavier(CD, ) 2020 Not On Label
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