Home Composers Paul W.Whear

Paul W.Whear

Short bio Paul W.Whear

Birthday: 1925
Died: 2021

Full biography Paul W.Whear

photo Paul W.Whear

Paul W. Whear was an American composer, conductor, and professor of music theory and composition. He was born on July 23, 1925 and passed away on March 24, 2021, at the age of 95. Whear had an illustrious career in music, composing symphonies, band music, chamber music, and numerous other works.

Whear received a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Nebraska and a Master of Music degree from the University of Michigan. He also completed doctoral work at the University of Wisconsin. Whear served in the United States Navy during World War II, and afterwards worked as a freelance composer and arranger in New York City. He later joined the faculty of Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, where he served as professor of music theory and composition for many years.

Whear was a respected figure in the field of composition , with his works being performed by numerous ensembles across the United States. In addition to his musical pursuits, Whear was also an avid sailor and an accomplished artist.

Whear's son, Allen Whear, is also a musician and cellist who is the artistic director of Pro Musica Rara and chamber music coordinator at the Peabody Conservatory of Music. Paul's wife, Jo Ann Wheeling Whear, passed away in 2012.

Overall, Paul W. Whear left a lasting impact on the world of composition and music education, with his work continuing to be appreciated by audiences and performers alike.

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