Home Composers Paul Lincke

Paul Lincke

Short bio Paul Lincke

Birthday: 1866
Died: 1946

Full biography Paul Lincke

photo Paul Lincke

Paul Lincke was a German composer and theater conductor born on November 7 , 1866 and passed away on September 3, 1946. He is considered one of the key figures in the development of Berlin Operetta and is often referred to as the "father" of this musical genre.

Lincke began his musical career as a theater musician in Berlin and later worked as a conductor at various theaters in the city. His most famous work, the operetta "Frau Luna", premiered in 1899 and was highly successful, with the song "Berliner Luft" becoming an unofficial anthem of the city of Berlin.

Over the course of his career, Lincke composed over 220 works, including operettas, marches, and dance music. His compositions were known for their catchy melodies and cheerful character, reflecting the mood of the pre-World War I era in Germany.

Lincke's legacy is still felt today, with many of his compositions being played and recorded by orchestras around the world. In addition to his musical achievements, Lincke was also a dedicated family man and civic leader, serving as a member of the Berlin City Council in the early 20th century.

In conclusion, Paul Lincke was a prolific and influential composer, who helped create and shape the genre of Berlin Operetta. His legacy continues to be celebrated and enjoyed by music lovers around the world today.

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