Home Composers Armand Limnander

Armand Limnander

Short bio Armand Limnander

Birthday: 1814
Died: 1892

Full biography Armand Limnander

photo Armand Limnander

Armand Limnander, born Baron Armand-Marie Ghislain Limnander van Nieuwenhove on May 22 , 1816, was a Belgian composer known for his choral and orchestral works, church music, and operas. He was also a Knight of the Order of Leopold II, a Belgian order of merit. Limnander studied at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and later went on to compose music for the Opra-Comique in Paris.

One of his notable works is the three-act opera "Les Montngrins," which premiered on March 31, 1849, at the Opra-Comique in Paris. Limnander also wrote several musical pieces for male voices , including for a choir associated with Saint-Michel College in Brussels.

Limnander was known for his use of the saxophone in opera, following in the footsteps of Adolphe Sax. He was also an editor at W Magazine and co-edited a book titled "W: The First 40 Years." Limnander's legacy continues to live on through his music, which is still performed today.

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