Home Composers Paul de Maleingreau

Paul de Maleingreau

Short bio Paul de Maleingreau

Birthday: 1887
Died: 1956

Full biography Paul de Maleingreau

photo Paul de Maleingreau

Paul Constant Eugne de Maleingreau (23 November 1887 - 9 January 1956) was a Belgian composer known for his contributions to the field of organ music. He wrote both sacred and secular music, with his organ symphonies being particularly noteworthy. Maleingreau's compositional style was deeply influenced by the Romantic era, and he was particularly interested in programme music, which allowed him to tell stories and convey emotions through his music.

Maleingreau was born in Belgium in 1887 and began his musical career as a pianist and organist. He quickly established himself as a talented performer and went on to study composition and orchestration with some of the leading figures in Belgian classical music at the time, including Edgar Tinel and Joseph Jongen.

In addition to his work as a composer, Maleingreau was also a respected teacher and musicologist. He taught at the Brussels Conservatory for many years and served as the director of the music department at the Catholic University of Leuven. He was also a prolific writer, publishing articles and books on music history, analysis, and criticism.

Maleingreau's legacy continues to be felt in the world of classical music, and his works remain popular with organists and enthusiasts of the genre. His Symphonie de la Passion and Symphonie Gothique are considered to be some of his most important works , and his influence can be heard in the music of later composers who drew inspiration from his work.

Overall, Paul de Maleingreau was an important figure in the world of classical music, and his contributions to the field of organ music continue to be appreciated and celebrated today.

Compositions featuring Paul de Maleingreau

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Suite for organ, Op. 14 32:33 min Keyboard -
2 Suite Mariale, for organ, Op. 65 13:12 min Keyboard -
3 Symphonie de l'Agneau Mystique, for organ, Op. 24 29:14 min Keyboard -
4 Symphonie de la Passion, for organ, Op. 20 33:27 min Keyboard -
5 Symphonie de Noël, Op. 19, for organ 37:30 min Keyboard -
6 Toccata for organ, Op. 73/4 6:30 min Keyboard -
7 Triptyque pour la Noël, for organ, Op. 23 11:36 min Keyboard -
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