Home Composers Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov

Short bio Dmitry Malikov

Birthday: 1970

Full biography Dmitry Malikov

photo Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov is a Russian composer, singer, pianist, and producer. Born on January 29, 1970, in Moscow, Russia, Malikov is known for his passion for music from a young age. After graduating from the Moscow State Conservatory, where he studied piano, Malikov started a successful career composing music for film, theatre, and television.

Malikov's breakthrough came in 1991 when he won the "Golden Gramophone" award for his debut album "Look into My Eyes." Since then, he has released several albums, including "Come On," "Darya," and "Verbena." His music is known for its catchy melodies, heartfelt lyrics, and unique blend of pop, classical, and electronic music.

Aside from composing and producing music, Malikov has also established himself as a successful television personality in Russia. He has hosted and judged various musical competitions, including "The Voice" and "Star Factory."

In addition to his musical and television career, Malikov is also a writer and a philanthropist. He has published several books, including a memoir titled "My Melodies" and has been actively involved in charitable work to help children in need.

Overall, Dmitry Malikov is a multi-talented and accomplished artist who has made significant contributions to the Russian music industry. With his diverse talents and creative vision, Malikov has solidified his place as one of Russia's most prolific and influential musicians.

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