Home Composers Otto Lohse

Otto Lohse

Short bio Otto Lohse

Birthday: 1858
Died: 1925

Full biography Otto Lohse

photo Otto Lohse

Otto Lohse was a German composer and conductor who was born on September 21, 1859, in Dresden, Germany, and passed away on May 5, 1925. He studied music with renowned musicians such as Hans Richter and Felix Draeseke at the Leipzig Conservatory. He also studied at the Cologne Conservatory under Fritz Steinbach.

Lohse made significant contributions to the music scene in Germany during his lifetime. He was a prolific composer, with many of his works being performed in his country, including his operas which were popular among German audiences. Among his operas, the most well-known is "Eulenspiegel", which earned him widespread recognition and acclaim.

Apart from his work as a composer, Lohse was also an accomplished conductor. He held several prestigious positions in major cities throughout Germany, including Dresden, Halle, and Frankfurt. He was particularly interested in opera and played an important role in advancing the art of opera in Germany during his time, as he combined innovative musical arrangements with visually stunning productions.

Lohse was also a respected teacher and had a significant impact on the development of several young musicians, including Leonhard Bernstein and Otto zur Nedden. His work as a teacher has earned him recognition as an important figure in German music education history.

Overall, Otto Lohse is considered one of the most important German composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His contribution to music and opera has been significant, and his legacy continues to be celebrated and remembered to this day.

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