Home Composers Otto Lindblad

Otto Lindblad

Short bio Otto Lindblad

Birthday: 1809
Died: 1864

Full biography Otto Lindblad

photo Otto Lindblad

Otto Jonas Lindblad was a Swedish composer born on March 31, 1809, in Karlstorp, Sweden. He is known for his contributions to Swedish classical music during the early nineteenth century. Lindblad composed music for various performances, including the Royal Swedish Opera and the Royal Dramatic Theatre.

Lindblad's most famous work is the musical drama "Frondörerna," which premiered in 1849 at the Royal Swedish Opera. He also composed numerous songs, some of which were inspired by the works of Swedish poets and writers, including Esaias Tegnér and Carl Snoilsky.

In addition to his work as a composer, Lindblad was also a recognized conductor. He led many of the performances of his own works and was also a guest conductor at various other Swedish theaters.

Lindblad’s music was generally Romantic in style, with a focus on melody and emotion. His early work was influenced by his studies in Leipzig, Germany, where he studied under Felix Mendelssohn. He also drew inspiration from his travels in Italy and France in the late 1830s.

Overall, Otto Lindblad was a prominent figure in Swedish classical music during the early to mid-nineteenth century, known for his contributions as both a composer and conductor.

Compositions featuring Otto Lindblad

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Kungssången ("Ur svenska hjärtans djup..."), for chorus 0:55 min Choral 1846
2 Ja, jag kommer 1:52 min Choral -
3 Minnets tempelsång 1:33 min Choral -
4 Orfeus sjöng 2:33 min Choral -
5 Royal Anthem 1:40 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
6 Sångfåglarne 2:29 min Choral -
7 Till skogs en liten fågel flög 2:33 min Choral -
8 Trollhättan 3:06 min Vocal Music -
9 Ur Ossians dunkla sagovärld 1:56 min Choral -

Albums featuring Otto Lindblad

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Hugo Alfvén, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Dag Wirén, Otto Lindblad, August Söderman, Lars-Erik Larsson, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Stig Westerberg – Swedish Highlights(CD, Album) Hugo Alfvén, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Dag Wirén, Otto Lindblad, August Söderman, Lars-Erik Larsson, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Stig Westerberg – Swedish Highlights(CD, Album) 1990 Caprice Records
2 Cover for album: Hugo Alfvén, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Dag Wirén, Otto Lindblad, August Söderman, Lars-Erik Larsson, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Stig Westerberg – Swedish Highlights(CD, Album) Hugo Alfvén, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Dag Wirén, Otto Lindblad, August Söderman, Lars-Erik Larsson, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Stig Westerberg – Swedish Highlights(CD, Album) 1986 Caprice Records
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