Home Composers Oto Pestner

Oto Pestner

Short bio Oto Pestner

Birthday: 1956

Full biography Oto Pestner

photo Oto Pestner

Oto Pestner is a Slovenian pop singer and composer born in Celje in 1956. He was the leader of the vocal group "New Swing Quartet" until 2008. He is well known for his work as a tenor singer and is considered a legend in Slovenia. Pestner has a long and illustrious career as a composer, having composed music across various genres, including pop and jazz. He has released several albums, including "Zlato sonce in rna reka", which features songs written by Slovenian composer Joe Privek. Pestner is also known for working with other prominent artists in the Slovenian music industry , such as Alenka Godec, Magnifico, Neisha, Siddharta, and Dan D. Overall, Oto Pestner has made significant contributions to the Slovenian music industry as a composer and singer, and has earned a place in the hearts of music lovers in his country and beyond.

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