Home Composers Nicolas Millot

Nicolas Millot

Short bio Nicolas Millot

Birthday: 1559
Died: 1589
Genre: Pop/Rock

Full biography Nicolas Millot

photo Nicolas Millot

Nicolas Millot was a French composer of the late Renaissance , known primarily for his chansons. He is believed to have lived and worked during the late 16th century, although the exact date of his death is not known. In addition to his work as a composer, Millot was also a singer in the French royal chapel.

There are relatively few surviving examples of Millot's music , but those that do exist demonstrate his skill as a composer. His chansons in particular show a sensitivity to text setting and a command of the polyphonic techniques of the time. Some of his more significant pieces include "Une jeune fillette," "Mort, j'appelle de ta rigueur," and "Je suis déshéritée."

Despite his talents, Millot's music remains relatively obscure today and is not often performed or recorded. Nonetheless, his contributions to the world of Renaissance music continue to be appreciated by scholars and enthusiasts alike.

Albums featuring Nicolas Millot

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Susanne Un JourCamerata Hungarica Leader: László Czidra – Gems Of The Renaissance Music Susanne Un JourCamerata Hungarica Leader: László Czidra – Gems Of The Renaissance Music 1976 Hungaroton
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